Rev Author Branch Log Message Date SHA
Avatar saml1er
1.5.7 Potentional fix for CAnimBlendAssocGroupSA::GetGroupID crash
This crash comes from either CAnimManagerSA::AddAnimation or CAnimManagerSA::ddAnimationAndSync. The problem is that the group ID is out of range (more than 138). When the crash happens, the value of m_pInterface is either 0x50 or 0xA0 of CAnimBlendAssocGroupSA, always. It happens on servers that do not even use IFP animations at all.
The problem with group ID or anim ID corruption already existed, and it has increased during pre-ifp. The crash count is not high for this offset (0x1dc3) on 14334 onwards but nonetheless, this workaround will check the group id, if it's out of range it will log it and switch to idle animation. Once we have the logs, we can use it to reproduce the problem.
21 September, 2018
Avatar Qais Patankar
1.5.7 Rename to
20 September, 2018
Avatar Qais Patankar
1.5.7 Update
20 September, 2018
Avatar saml1er
1.5.7 Revert "Properly abort reading from a bitstream in CLuaArgument::ReadFromBitStream"
This reverts commit 7fabb157f474f75e2e05a109824aa52145701ec8.
21 September, 2018